Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator

This 5-Part Video Series will teach you everything you need to know about Adobe Illustrator so that you can make progress faster in your surface design journey.


Build Momentum

Take what you've learned to the next level with this Adobe Illustrator training program. Five in-depth tutorials with an extra bonus lesson!

Step-by-Step Instruction

These carefully curated video lessons will help you master the key tools and techniques you need so that you can focus on your design work.

Personalized Support

Reach out via comments, the #ASKANNE button in the menu bar or by posting your question inside our private Facebook Group, Anne's Art Club.

Lesson One

We'll get started with how to create a new document, change the look of your workspace, set "auto save" so you don't lose your work, and take a tour of the menus, tools and features.

Lesson Two

Learn about art boards, moving around your work area and important selection tools. We'll cover key board shortcuts that you'll use again and again.

Lesson Three

Get comfortable using the shape tools and learn how to combine, merge, and divide shapes. We will also dive into the blog brush tool which is one of my favorites.

Lesson Four

We'll cover more advanced techniques including how to duplicate, rotate and reflect your motifs and how to use the pathfinder and scissors tools.

Lesson Five

Expand your knowledge even further by mastering the align tools and learning various techniques for cleaning up your artwork including simplify paths and outline mode.

BONUS Lesson

I've included a special bonus lesson where we'll dive into creating and saving color palettes and how to optimize the use of special image trace settings to yield the best digital results in your work.

Get started learning Adobe Illustrator today so that you can make progress faster in your surface design journey.


50% Complete

Two Step

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